Small Businesses in Georgia

Small Business in Georgia is gaining popularity. Any individual who has reached the age of 18 and has an ID or a passport can receive the status of a small business.

To obtain the status of a small business, an individual must register as an individual entrepreneur in the House of Justice. For this purpose, a passport, contact details and legal address are provided.

Despite the fact that Small Businesses in Georgia are very attractive due to preferential taxation (income tax from monthly turnover is 1%), there are a number of activities that an individual entrepreneur with the status of a small business cannot engage in:

*Activities that require licensing or permission.
*Activities that require significant capital investments (production of excisable goods)
*Conducting currency exchange operations.
*Medical, architectural, legal or notarial, auditing, consulting (including tax) activities.
*The gaming business.
*Staffing support.
*Production of excisable goods

In addition, an individual entrepreneur has the right to work with the status of a small business only in the field in which he has a certificate registered. The maximum number of activities for one sole proprietor in the status of a small business can be two.

You can find out about other taxes in Georgia here.
Taxes are declared online on the tax website in your personal account